We had the pleasure of working with Winnipeg Wedding Photography Collective on one of our resent photoshoots (of our booth and model from the It’s Love Bridal Showcase). They did such a beautiful job and we just had to share them with you! Here’s part 1 of our interview with the fab four that together create the Winnipeg Wedding Photography Collective.

The Collective - The Artists - Amanda Douglas Events


Describe self in 3 words:

Ambitious, humble, sociable


What’s the best professional lesson you’ve ever learned:

If you’re going to work the majority of your life away, do something you either enjoy doing, or are extremely passionate about.


What was the last thing that gave you the warm and fuzzies:

Let me jump on the cliche bandwagon here and say, “my kids.” More specifically, my 2 month old daughter recently learned how to smile. Every time I pick her up and she sees my face I get a big toothless grin. I love photographing people with a full set of pearly whites, but there is something special about a toothless grin and sparkling eyes looking back at me.

The Collective - Tony - Amanda Douglas Events

Who inspires you:

I will try and make this my last cliche answer. But once again I am answering with, “my kids.” This time, more specifically my 2 year old son. He can find the beauty of a dirty old cardboard box, and stay entertained with it for hours. He has single handedly turned a drain pipe and toilet paper holder into a piano and microphone, on which he could performed his favorite songs. This is the kind of imagination one needs to have to be a great artist.


Describe your perfect day as a photographer:

This one is easy. An outdoor fall wedding, with a happy couple and no mosquitoes. Everything else doesn’t matter. This is perfection.


Describe your perfect day off:

Camping with friends and family in the Canadian Shield……once again, no mosquitoes would be a requirement to reach perfection.

The Collective - Tony - Amanda Douglas Events

Besides friends and family, what are three things you can’t live without:

My camera, the great outdoors and humour.


What are you watching, reading and listening to right now:

What I’m watching: Avatar: The Last Airbender, with my son. It’s a fun cartoon with roots deep into environmental and social justice.
What I’m reading: I just finished the book The Alchemist. I don’t read often, but when do I prefer an adventure of some sort.
What I’m listening to: I just discovered Frank Turner (Thanks CBC radio). It’s relaxing, and helps put my kids to sleep.

The Collective - Tony - Amanda Douglas Events

In Winnipeg, where do you like to eat, get coffee, shop:

My favorite restaurants are Sabai Thai, Bangkok Thai and Sukho Thai. I LOVE Thai food. The fact that my wife is a vegetarian also plays into this. I really enjoyed the coffee at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Go figure. I love browsing almost any camera store. But right now, Photo Central is my favourite shop.

Looking back, what would you tell your 16 year old self:

“Lay off the sweets. Go for a walk or something.”


What is your favourite getaway location: Why:

A great sense of awe sweeps over me when I stand at the feet of nature’s giants. Whether it be the monolithic, granite colossi of Yosemite Valley, the trees that seem to go up forever in the Redwoods, or the blue ocean that stretches to the horizons. The common thread for me is that I love experiencing new geographies. Having my beautiful wife by my side makes it that much sweeter.


Want to see more from Winnipeg Wedding Photography Collective? Well check out their Facebook Page, Website, or their blog!