

I do shoots all the time for other people, and to explore other styles, but I thought it being our 5 year anniversary it would be fun to do a little something for us.

I was at the a movie and saw something on screen that sparked an idea. Then I was at the symphony the next week and the ideas caught on fire.

I’ve seen lamp or light inspired shoots before, but I wanted to do something intimate and fun for Marshall and I.

I didn’t want it to be over done or over thought (I know, having over 20+ lamps in an outdoor space is a lot of thinking and planning, but hey, I’m a planner, it’s what I do). I wanted it to still have a bit of an organic feel to it, so I did a walk around my yard and garden collecting greenery, branches, and flowers to make garland for on the tables, and around the lamps.

I visited my flower garden and make a little bouquet for myself to accent my dress (I was happy the clematis vines were in bloom!).

And the rest Mel, our friend and photographer, took care of in her creative shots, and posing us throughout our yard.
















Design/Planning – Amanda Douglas Events  

Florals – From Amanda’s garden

Dress – Picked up on one of Amanda’s travels

Photographer – Mel from Sugar and Soul Photography 

Lamps – Home Scenes, Rona, Wal-Mart

Tables – Found at thrift shops and refinished by Amanda