Amber and Luis-554-4Another vendor spotlight for you today on our blog, and we’re thrilled to be sharing with you the talents of Sunny of Sunny S-H Photography. Sit back and have a read, and get to know a little bit about her and what she loves what she does! 

Tell us a little bit about yourself
I am a full-time portrait and wedding photographer based out of Winnipeg.  I would describe my approach to photography as clean, classic and color.  I want my clients to view their cherished images in decades to come and see them as timeless.  I am also an accredited member of the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC).
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What inspires you?
Sunny S-H Photography began 3 and a half years ago as a hobby, but the love of cameras was always there.   I will admit that it was not my plan, but I am so thankful that I can balance being a mom of three boys (and two rescue dogs), a wife and pursue a career I honestly love.
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What do you love so much about your job?
I love the freedom that comes with my job and also the element of the unknown.  Each wedding and session is an opportunity to learn more, push myself further and grow as a photographer.  I also love the client/photographer relationship.  I have watched couples get engaged, marry and have babies.  It’s like being part of the extended family.
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My love of photography goes beyond portraits and people.  I love experimenting with different formats of film and travelling the back roads of the Manitoba to capture landscapes and still life.    When I feel myself getting stir crazy, my husband, kids and dogs jump in the car and we explore.  I also volunteer my time and photography services for a Manitoba dog rescue.  Being able to use a skill to help animals in need just an incredible feeling.

I never want photography to be just “a job”.
Be sure to check out Sunny’s site and her amazing work!